Our Process


…is a process that involves identifying needs and objectives, establishing priorities based on your values and implementing options.

Six Steps Of The Financial Process

Step 1: Determine Financial Objectives

The planning process begins with a comprehensive analysis of your present objectives, financial resources and liabilities. .  We will also work with you to determine an appropriate risk tolerance, given your experience, comfort level and goals.

Step 2: Developing a Plan

We examine your financial goals, objectives, assets, liabilities, income, expenses, and other relevant information.  The foundation of a sound financial plan is having a clear understanding of what is important to you.

Step 3: Analysis and Development

A preliminary analysis of the information about you is prepared.  This includes reviewing all of your objectives and determining if they are feasible.  We may consult, with your permission, with your attorney and accountant to make sure the data is complete.

Step 4: Plan Presentation and Delivery

After alternative strategies and scenarios are explored, a final plan will be presented to you.  It contains special recommendations designed to help you meet your financial goals and objective.

Step 5: Implementation*

Implementation is the key to putting your plan to work.  We will review the resources available to implement each step of your plan.

* Note: Financial plan recommendations can be implemented with the advisor of your choosing. Implementation of specific products or services may result in commissions or fees outside of the financial plan fee.

Step 6: Monitor and Update

We’ll set periodic reviews, according to your needs.  This is to keep you on track with your original plan or to re-evaluate and adjust your plan for change.  Any area of your life is subject to change and it’s important that your plan reflects that change. Periodic reviews of your financial plan may require a new planning agreement and result in additional fees.